Post Baccalaureate programs

Post Baccalaureate programs#

One alternative to getting a job is to apply for a post-bac program. These are meant as 1-2-year programs between completing your undergraduate career and starting a PhD. For all intents and purposes, these are very similar to working in an academic lab but also include coursework to round out your education and to provide some professional development. The expectation is that you apply for PhD programs during the program and they will help guide you through the process. These are great opportunities if the fit is right and worth checking out if you think a PhD is in your future. They are also a great way to gain some research training if you have not had the opportunity to participate in research during your undergraduate career.

One important note is that these post-bac programs are meant as fellowships, meaning they supply a stipend (salary) for you to live off of. Some may provide housing as well (though this is less common). You do not need to pay for these (though there is an opportunity cost as both academic and industry lab positions will typically pay more).

Some example post-bac programs include, but there are many more: