Create a blog

Create a blog#

Look this one is a little more effort but is surprisingly effective. Start a blog and write about the things you are interested in. A blog acts as a sort of search query for interesting people. If what you write resonates, people who are interested in the same things will reach out. I have experienced this. If you keep going, you may even have career opportunities you never dreamed of land in your lap (It has happened to me). Ask and answer questions you are interested in. Try to create “evergreen” content and find a niche that you have something unique to contribute (note that unique is a loose word here, as you may have noticed, this document is by no means unique, but my voice and opinion makes it unique). And then just post it on the internet and social media. If you keep at it, people will find it and things just snowball from there.

This idea was captured in a medium post by Henrik Karlsson here: A blog post is a very long and complex search query to find fascinating people and make them route interesting stuff to your inbox

As far as how to create a blog, using a platform like medium is perfectly fine. If you want to create a personal website, something simple like github pages would work or a webbuilder like wordpress, wix, webflow, etc are all great options. The goal is to share your ideas and get them out there, not to choose the perfect tech stack.